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Make sure your business is properly positioned. Identify your needs and plan accordingly. We have no time to waste.

Consulting Services

Debt & Equity

Tailored capital approaches to meet your specific growth needs. 

Image by Terre di Cannabis
Formation & Launch

We help new companies with entity formation, industry networking, founding best practices, launch execution, and capital structuring. Get the best start possible!

Team Meeting
Exit Planning or

We help companies recapitalize, reorganize, and relaunch; we do this with a focus on the long-term.

Colleagues Working Together

Bringing on the appropriate employees, operational tools, and management systems is crucial to success.

Professional Man Holding a Tablet
Compliance &

Documenting and implementing compliance processes effectively will have a major impact on future funding, your overall risk, and exit possibilities.

Financial Advisor

Need part-time or partner-level CFO assistance? We are happy to manage your finances and handle investor relations activities.

State Licensing & Investor Relations

Due to the infancy of the industry, especially in states that are more recently moving towards legalization, it can be extremely difficult to complete a winning application. You need to be on top of the ever-changing regulations and laws. You'll need a bulletproof business plan, a qualified team, and access to capital to secure a license. Hybrid Capital will partner with you to develop a comprehensive business plan, team, and financial model tailored to your state's regulations.


Secure your license and capital with a team of professionals. 

Image by CRYSTALWEED cannabis

Do you need business planning
materials created?

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Business Plan

Comprehensive plans contain 40 to 100 pages. Our plans are typically investor focused. Plans cover all major business subjects and provide detailed overview.

Pitch Deck

Custom pitch deck creation that is tailored to your goals! Avoid scams and templates; get pitch advice from financial professionals.

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Financial Models

Let us build you a complete financial model! We will build out tabs for a summary, cap table, ROI, 5YR, revenues, expenses, cash flows, payroll, etc.

Due Diligence Checklist

Producing exhaustive due diligence materials puts you in the best position to be "investor ready". Let's get organized!

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